Category Archives: Activism in York County

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Rock Hill for Equality: Project #1 – LGBT Ally ‘Angie’s List’

Hello York County!

We are proud to announce that we are beginning a project called: “LGBT Ally Angie’s List”. Over the coming weeks we will be searching and be in contact with organizations and companies, both big and small. If you are a “LGBT Ally” we will provide your company with Rock Hill for Equality business cards, so customers can learn more about LGBT equality in York County, and a flyer to post in your establishment showing your business supports fairness and LGBT community in York County. Also, we will create a page on this website dedicated to LGBT Allies in York County. On the page we will list the name of the ally, location(s), contact information, links to the ally’s website, a short description and a optional small image of the ally logo to go along with the ally’s information. This is another option to show your support for the LGBT community. We believe as York County continues the long journey forward all citizens – heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, poly-sexual, pan-sexual, questioning, etc – can benefit from knowing if your business is going to an organization or company who support LGBT rights.

If you are the owner of an organization or company in the York County area please, feel free to contact us by email at This, of course, is no cost to the ally. Also, this ‘Angie’s List’ will be formed and interest will be spread through word-of-mouth. If you a personal friend of the owner and know this is something he/she would interested in, please let them know about the project.

Quote of the Week:
“Equality is not a concept. It’s not something we should be striving for. It’s a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women, and the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who’s confronted with it. We need equality. Kinda now.” 
― Joss Whedon

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Filed under Activism in York County

May 20th Organization Update and the Importance of Voting


First of all, today is the one month anniversary of Rock Hill for Equality. While not much has been done in the form of events, we now finally have our feet under us after great early support. We have met with leaders of non-profits, managers of local restaurants and the leaders of the York County Democratic Party.

In recent days, both Oregon and Pennsylvania both struck down their gay marriage bans; now 19 states recognize marriage equality. In South Carolina we are fighting a unpopular, uphill battle in a very red state but, there are people who want to fight the good fight. Rock Hill for Equality would like to urge you all to get out and vote this fall in Gubernational, Senate and House of Representative elections.  While we are not currently affiliated with any candidate but, if you want to help fight the same-sex marriage ban, we ask that you let your voice be heard! Research candidates, be knowledgeable, and together we can make a difference in the Palmetto state.

Also, this summer we will be working to achieve non-profit status and to set up a page with LGBT friendly organizations in York County along with other initiatives and appearances around the area.
Quote of the Week:

To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.

– Louis L’Amour

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Filed under Activism in York County

May 11th Organization Update

Hello to all! Long time without posting.. The founders here have all been way too busy with exam season in full swing. But, we are back on track! This past Friday Rock Hill for Equality was blessed with being able to attend the Spring Forward York County Democratic Party Fundraiser. We met plenty of fine members and even aspiring congressmen such as Tom Adams running in SC 5th district. In other news we have postponed our plans to host an event May 18th, and hope to host a cookout in mid June. The date will be decided soon, but the intentions of this cookout are to gather our members in a meet and greet session where we can formally introduce ourselves and discuss our aim. We have also been traveling around York County and the upstate area meeting with other non-profit organizations inquiring ways that we can benefit our community. If you are still interested in getting involved contact us, and keep the fight up!

Quote of The Week:

“‘Vote Love’ means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote what’s right for humanity.”

– Macklemore

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Filed under Activism in York County, Upcoming Events